Friday, February 24, 2012


This is my second attempt at getting a personal blog going.  On the eve of January 1, 2009, when I scarcely understood any of the social media formats, I jumped in and created "Busy Saving The World", that initial effort still existing somewhere out there in the blogsphere and accessed only via a bookmark.  I have included below that first - and only post - as it outlined what I planned to document during the course of that year and perhaps beyond.  My mindset remains unchanged; my blogging abilities have surely improved:

New Year’s Day is my favorite holiday. I feel I wake up with a clean slate. There is evidence to suggest otherwise -- clutter of books not properly shelved, more girth than the height/weight charts suggest is healthy, car interior looking like a vagabond sleeps there nights -- but I am not deterred from the sense that all is well in my own personal world for at least that one day.

Generally I create 10 New Year’s resolutions; a dreamer’s version of goals and objectives. Some I keep longer than others. This year I am inclined to plagiarize and am going with the Corporal Works of Mercy. Well, not all of them. I don’t want to be labeled a Corporal Works hog. I’ll leave the “Visit the Sick and Imprisoned” to others and continue to let professionals “Bury the Dead” (digging cat graves has convinced me that is not my forte). However, in the coming year, I will do my best to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked and shelter the homeless.

Also, the UN General Assembly deemed 2009 to be the International Year of Reconciliation. My research - also known as ‘googling’ - found organizations with actual action plans related to this declaration. I favor the perspective of the Global Balance Foundation (“Dialogue for a Balanced World”) registered in Hamburg, Germany which is that “reconciliation is magnanimity in action”. I can be magnanimous. I can eschew resentment or revenge. I can also avoid people who bother me. I can pretend I don‘t hear them talking. Makes that whole magnanimity thing easier.